
Laura's Home and Gardening Blog

Eco-friendly ways to clean your outdoor concrete tiles

Concrete tiles are an asset to many a person's homes. But, if they're to remain that way, they do require some attention. Cleaning your concrete tiles isn't an arduous task, but if you want to take an eco-friendly approach, you may worry whether it will become more difficult. Fortunately, there are plenty of eco-friendly ways to clean your concrete tiles. First brush and dust  Trying to make sure anything stays clean is a redundant process when you don't prepare in advance. Read More 

Why Installing Shutters Is Recommended

The use of shutters is on the rise, with many people preferring them instead of the normal windows. A shutter is designed in a way that it has vertical stiles and continuous arrangement of horizontal rails. Within the spaces left, a variety of materials can be placed, including glass, fabrics and solid panels. The reasons why people are preferring shutters include; Attractive Design When a shutter is installed, it makes the appearance of the home unique and more attractive. Read More 

What Makes Venetian Blinds A Preferred Choice?

Selecting the type of treatment you give your windows is one of the difficult decisions that people struggle to make. You want the kind of treatment to not only reflect your taste but to also complement other fixtures in the home. The use of blinds is a common treatment given to windows that you should consider. When you think about using blinds, you probably want blinds that will provide you with maximum privacy while at the same time giving you optimum control of the sun and the light. Read More 

Steps to Making Sure Your Roses Last Longer

If you properly care for cut roses, you'll see significant differences in how long they last. Using a rose delivery service for any occasion results in delight, which means you should prolong the joy longer with some simple tips. Clean the vase thoroughly before placing the roses in them Unless you regularly receive flowers, your vase is likely gathering dust between uses. Unfortunately, dust isn't the only substance it's attracting. Your vase is likely home to bacteria and viruses, some of which will harm your roses. Read More 

Get a Good Day’s Sleep: Why Blinds Are Perfect for Night Workers

People who work at night have a tough time. Not only is it difficult to feel motivated when you're going to work as it gets dark, but most of the rest of the world is winding down to go to sleep, which can make you feel disconnected. One of the most difficult parts of working nights, however, is that you need to sleep during the day. Most people struggle with this for various reasons, which can leave you feeling exhausted when it's time for work. Read More 

About Me

Laura's Home and Gardening Blog

Yo! My name is Laura and if you had told me when I was aged 18 that one day I would be all grown-up with a home of my very own, I would have said you were mad. But it is true. I do own my own home and not only that, the property also has a large garden. When I first moved in, I didn't have a clue what I was doing out in the garden or inside my own home. Thankfully, I found a great home and garden contractor who helped me to plan and carry out the changes I wanted to make. Peace.


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