
Laura's Home and Gardening Blog

Renovating Your Bathroom to Appear Bigger

A bathroom that feels spacious is appealing. Even though your space may be compact, you can renovate it to give the impression of bigger proportions. Here's how. Tiles   To make a room appear bigger, eliminate as much visual clutter as possible. One approach is to install large tiles which will create fewer joint lines. You could lay square 40x40cm floor tiles, for instance. You can also arrange rectangular wall tiles to make the ceiling seem taller. Read More 

Two-Toned Ideas for Custom Kitchen Cabinets

Incorporating custom cabinets into your kitchen design will make the room unique and personal. One way to add to the interest is to install two-toned kitchen cabinetry. That way, you can contrast colours and textures for an individual design. But it's tricky to decide on the combinations. Here are some ideas that may suit your home. Timber and White One option is to combine timber and white cupboard doors. The woody grains add texture to the room, contrasting against the smooth white finish of the other cabinets. Read More 

Two tips to follow when choosing curtains for your young children’s rooms

If your young children need new curtains for their rooms, here are some tips to follow. Pick curtains that won't take too much time or effort to wash It's important to pick curtains that you will find easy to remove, wash and return to the windows, as they will probably get dirty quite regularly. Even if, for example, you don't allow your kids to eat in their rooms, they could still get food stains on the curtains if they return to their bedrooms after eating a meal and have, for example, some ketchup or grease on their hands that they transfer to their curtains whilst opening or closing them. Read More 

About Me

Laura's Home and Gardening Blog

Yo! My name is Laura and if you had told me when I was aged 18 that one day I would be all grown-up with a home of my very own, I would have said you were mad. But it is true. I do own my own home and not only that, the property also has a large garden. When I first moved in, I didn't have a clue what I was doing out in the garden or inside my own home. Thankfully, I found a great home and garden contractor who helped me to plan and carry out the changes I wanted to make. Peace.


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