
Laura's Home and Gardening Blog

Features of storage units that are designed for medical supplies

Long term and short term storage units are used for many different purposes; including storing furniture, clothing and electrical supplies. But did you know that storage units also come in handy for storing medicines? Indeed, medical supplies such as antibiotics, laboratory equipment, and testing kits often require both long term and short-term storage when not in immediate use.

It is not all medical facilities that have the space to store their items on site. Therefore, storage facilities often come in handy to cater for the surplus. For storage units to provide a useful environment for medicines, they have to be equipped with the following key features.

1. Humidity control

Controlling humidity is one of the most important features of a storage room for medical supplies. Moisture and humidity can affect the chemical composition of medicines and affect their usability. Therefore, humidity is typically controlled through ensuring proper ventilation and keeping the medicines in their original packaging.

If you're storing medical supplies, ensure that they're in waterproof containers with sealed lids before you take them to storage. The storage facility will also ensure proper airflow by keeping windows open as necessary. A fan or air condition system may also be necessary in storage units that have high relative humidity.

2. Heat and sunlight exposure

Direct sunlight can be damaging to many different medical supplies such as vitamins, supplements, and latex products. Storage units that are faced with exposure to the sun will typically use shaded windows or curtains to block direct sunlight. Units that are designated for medical products may also be positioned away from the sun. On your part, keep medical supplies in sealed boxes and liquid products in opaque bottles.

To ensure that heat doesn't affect the medical products, storage units will also be monitored by thermometers or programmable thermostats. And if temperatures soar above recommended settings, the medical supplies may have to be moved to another unit until the heat reduces.

3. Ensuring proper power supply

For many other products in storage, temperature fluctuations may not be a big deal. However, medical supplies that are subjected to higher or lower temperatures than recommended can become damaged in a short amount of time.

Therefore, the power supply that controls HVAC systems or provides refrigeration must be reliable. Storage units will typically keep a backup generator on-site in case the main grid goes off. Solar panels are also used as an alternative power source for temperature control.

About Me

Laura's Home and Gardening Blog

Yo! My name is Laura and if you had told me when I was aged 18 that one day I would be all grown-up with a home of my very own, I would have said you were mad. But it is true. I do own my own home and not only that, the property also has a large garden. When I first moved in, I didn't have a clue what I was doing out in the garden or inside my own home. Thankfully, I found a great home and garden contractor who helped me to plan and carry out the changes I wanted to make. Peace.


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