
Laura's Home and Gardening Blog

Four Practical Guidelines for Extending Your Awning Fabric's Service Life

Proper maintenance of the awnings installed in your home is essential. The care practices will preserve the visual appeal of the awnings, ensuring that they complement the beauty of the house. In addition, the maintenance of the fabric can prolong the lifespan of the awnings, limiting the need for frequent repairs or premature replacement. If you have recently purchased awnings or awning walls (which are usually made from a similar material), you should consider using the below-outlined guidelines to extend the service life of the fabric.

Sweep the Awning

You should remove the foreign materials which will build up on the awnings regularly. In general, most awnings lose their appeal and degrade prematurely due the accumulation of twigs, leaves and general debris on the fabric. Typically, these materials tend to rot and promote the growth of fungi and invasion of pests. Moreover, the accumulated dust can cause discolouration. Therefore, you should have a soft broom or brush close-by for regular sweeping.

Clean the Fabric

Awnings do not require frequent cleaning. However, if your fabric starts looking discoloured and unattractive, you should consider washing it with some water. The right cleaning technique will depend on the type of fabric used to make the awnings. Plastic-based products can be cleaned off using a hose, some detergent and a soft scrubbing brush. Canvas awnings might require more intense scrubbing and the use of products such as bleach. For the best results, you should follow the awning manufacturer's recommendations.

Avoid Exposure Damaging Factors

There are some external factors which can contribute to the accelerated damage of the awning fabric. You should protect your feature from such destructive forces to ensure prolonged awning service. In general, it is not advisable to use a pressure washer on the fabric. The high pressure will cause stress to the stitching and seams as well as the external coating and heat-sealed joints. Moreover, the action might void your warranty. You should also avoid spraying liquids such as insect repellent on the awnings. This type of product can cause premature fabric staining or discolouration.

Dry the Awning Fabric

You should always allow your awnings to dry completely to minimise the risk of mildew growth and water staining. You should note that even waterproof fabrics are susceptible to this form of damage. This practice is critical if you are planning on retracting your awnings or storing the fabric. Slight moisture or dampness can be detrimental after the fabric is folded. It is also important to check the awning regularly to ensure that there are no water pockets on the spread fabric. 

About Me

Laura's Home and Gardening Blog

Yo! My name is Laura and if you had told me when I was aged 18 that one day I would be all grown-up with a home of my very own, I would have said you were mad. But it is true. I do own my own home and not only that, the property also has a large garden. When I first moved in, I didn't have a clue what I was doing out in the garden or inside my own home. Thankfully, I found a great home and garden contractor who helped me to plan and carry out the changes I wanted to make. Peace.


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